Employment Opportunities
Once Upon A Time Parties, LLC features an extensive lineup of popular fairytale characters performing for birthday parties, traveling ball experiences, large community events, and more. As our company is in high demand we are always looking for talented and dedicated performers as well as energetic and organized attendants to join our team. Interested applicants should complete the application below and submit it for review.
To be considered, applicants must meet all requirements clearly stated below.
Offered Positions
Character Performer: A character performer dresses up in costume, wig, and makeup and trains in the mannerisms and likeness of the character they are portraying to provide a realistic experience and to create a believable fairytale encounter.
Character Attendant: A character attendant is present at a character appearance to offer assistance in multiple ways including but not limited to assisting the performer in and out of costume at our headquarters, transporting the performer to and from events, answering guest questions at events, etc.
Mascot Performer: A mascot performer is dressed in a fully covered mascot costume, including body suit and large foam head who is trained in the mannerisms of the popular characters they are portraying to provide a realistic experience for guests. Mascots are limited to movements/body language and are unable to speak or use sounds during a performance. Mascots are able to rely on their attendants to assist with verbal communication with guests.
Mascot Attendant: A mascot attendant is an extension of the mascot and their personality! They assist with leading activities like story time and dance-a-longs and help the mascot with verbal communication with guests during meet and greets. A mascot attendant will also transport the performer to and from events, and help them in and out of costume.
Cast Member Requirements:
(*) indicates additional requirements for character performers
18+ years old
Resident of Mobile, AL or immediate surrounding areas
Valid Driver's License and your own vehicle
Weekend availability, some weekdays (flexible scheduling)
Outgoing, enthusiastic and friendly​
Experience working with children
Responsible and Reliable!
(*) No visible tattoos (arms, hands, face, neck, shoulders, etc. We DO NOT cover with makeup)
(*) Performing background preferable
(*) Singing ability preferable
See below for helpful Employment FAQs
Employment FAQs
How do I apply to work for Once Upon A Time Parties?
Fill out the application above to completion. Be sure to pay attention to the additional notes so you don't miss any helpful information!
What is the application process like?
Our application process is only a few steps: Once you submit your application our casting team will verify that you meet our requirements. If you meet all requirements and submit a completed application, our casting team will review your submitted materials and determine if you might fit any roles we offer. If we feel that you might be a good addition to our cast we will then reach out to schedule an in-person interview and audition which will be the final determination for your consideration. We will provide you with an acceptance or rejection email within one week of our last contact.
I don't want to be a performer, I just want to work for you. Do you have any positions like this open?
Absolutely! We offer attending positions which basically is just a character handler. Our attendants assist with helping the performer prep for parties, transportation, crowd/line control, answering guest questions, and more. We like organized, energetic, and outgoing individuals for this job especially.
How much is the pay?
Pay is dependent upon position. Our character performers start out at a base pay of $50/hour, character attendants start at $25/hour, mascot performers start at $60/hour and mascot attendants start at $50/hour. Cast members are paid as Independent Contractors and will submit a 1099 upon joining our team. Payment is issued via direct deposit every Monday after the prior week's bookings.
What if I don't have full weekend availability?
That's okay! Our scheduling is flexible. Rather than you submitting availability/request-offs and us sending out a schedule, we post working opportunities and you get to request to be put on the shift if you want to work it! Scheduling is dependent on our booking calendar, but we try to provide as much opportunity to make some extra cash as much as possible!
Why do I have to have my own transportation?
We want to make sure we can always count on you to show up for a party or event. If you're relying on a friend or family member to transport you and something happens on their part not allowing you to fulfill your obligations, even though it's not your fault, you will be the one to take responsibility of appropriate repercussions and risk losing your position with us. We would hate to have a no-show princess for a party or event we have booked!
Why do I have to be 18+ to work for you?
We have experienced that individuals who have graduated high school and are no longer tied to time-consuming obligations such as after-school and extracurricular activities prove to be more available and reliable members of our team. While we are sure there are some responsible and talented younger individuals out there this is our policy to avoid any conflicts with scheduling. We will interview applicants 17.5 years of age for consideration however we will not book the individual for a paid opportunity until they reach the age of 18.
I have visible tattoos, can I cover them with makeup or something else if I want to be a character performer?
We absolutely do not cover tattoos with makeup as it poses a risk of permanent damage to the costuming. Makeup is to only be on the face. If you have a small visible tattoo, it may be able to be covered with a small band-aid or stick on patch but this is a case-by-case situation and will need to be further evaluated by our casting team. Because most of our costumes are already multiple layers and temperatures can reach extreme highs at any time of the year in our area, we do not allow covering tattoos with additional materials such as body suits. Tattoos are acceptable for mascot performers as they are covered fully from head to toe.
Why do you require performers to be a certain size?
For the most part, our costumes are highly adjustable to fit a range of sizes however, this is not always the case as some may only fit one size or a more limited size range. The sizing requirements reflect current costumes, feel free to come back to see if our requirements change!
Why do I have to be a resident of Mobile or the surrounding area?
Our headquarters is located near the center of Mobile, AL. Most of the locations we service are in our immediate area and we service up to 90 miles outside of Mobile. Before a scheduled appearance our cast members are required to come to our headquarters to prepare for the appearance, leave from there, and return after the scheduled appearance. While we do compensate travel for bookings outside of our immediate service area, we do not compensate for distance traveled from your home to our headquarters. If you are not a resident within our service area it's likely that our pay scale would not offset the time and effort required to work for us, and the risk of being late to a call time because of bayway or interstate traffic is too high. If you are outside of our service area try searching for companies that service your area and reach out to them for employment opportunities!
Why do you need a professional headshot and clip of me singing?
We hire performers to portray beloved story time characters to bring magic to life for the guests we meet. We require a professional headshot so that we can predetermine, based on physical features, which characters you could potentially be cast as. As part of our party packages, and frequently requested at events, we have the opportunity to sing and perform as these characters, so we request a short video of you singing so that we can review your vocal range and abilities to be considered for our performing positions. A singing clip is not required but is a bonus when being considered for a performing position.
If I'm hired as a character performer who will I be cast as?
Casting of character performers is strongly based on physical features, including things like face shape, silhouette, eye color, skin tone, etc. We try our best to accurately portray characters children look up to and kids notice every detail. If we feel that you might suit a character but your eye color is not the same as the character we can train you in the role and provide you with resources or opportunities to obtain colored contacts. We cast bipoc roles based on ethnicity and physical appearance.
I have my own costume, can I use it and work for you?
No. In order for us to have a high-quality appearance and provide a seamless experience for the guests that meet our characters, all costuming is provided by our company. Performers must provide their own appropriate undergarments and, if applicable, nude character/performing shoes.
What is training like?
When hired on, we will initially have a new hire meeting to review our handbook and fill out paperwork. Next, we'll schedule a basic training depending on your roles with the company. Basic training may consist of costume fitting, how to lead activities, moving in costume, etc. Then, we'll put you on some shadowing experiences with a veteran cast member. Training is paid $10/hr.